One of the great benefits of being a retired education technologist, is finally having the time to actually play with the cool technologies that you’ve only demo’ed and talked about before. For me, my longing has been to make music and pictures.
Photography is a practice that I engaged in, narrowly, for many years. It was my invitation to leave the hotel rooms that were my second home. So I have reveled in a thrilling learning curve to make better and more interesting pictures.
Music takes more dedicated tools and a place. I am still working on that place, where the tools are assembled and configured, and the atmosphere helps to inspire my mind to hum tunes and decorate them with harmony and depth.
My head remains in the education game, and I will continue to write my thoughts down on my Facebook page, Twitter and my Blog, 2¢ Worth. So I invite you to continue to pay attention, as I age and season and continue to wonder about this exciting world, for which we are preparing our children.